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We have a few personal gifts for you to help you feel more mindful during the day.
GIFT #1: Holistic Happiness Course
This course is specifically made for women over 30 who feel overwhelmed, anxious and stressed in this hectic world.
You'll learn how to reconnect within, and discover tools to feel more mindful. Video lessons are given by our certified holistic health coaches.
Claim your access by clicking on the button below. Make an account and register with coupon code ''VIPCUSTOMER1'' to get free access.
GIFT #2: The Healing Art of Aromatherapy
An expert-backed aromatherapy beginner's guide. Learn the fundamentals of finding the right essential oils and using them safely.
Get our new essential oils guide, complete with tips to help you master holistic aromatherapy. We've got the information to help you get started.
GIFT #3: Moon Calendar 2023
Connect Daily with the Moon and keep track with this beautiful Moon Calendar (2023 edition). You can use this calendar to create new little rituals for each phase.
Here are the main energies associated with each of these lunar phases:
* New moon: reset and set intentions
* First quarter: create action
* Full moon: manifest
* Third quarter: release energy and let go
TIP: Print it, put it in a nice frame, and give it a meaningful place in your sacred space at home.
GIFT #4: Sound Healing Session by Divinely Gia
Did you know sound healing works on healing the mental and emotional levels? We partnered with Divinely Gia to make a sound healing session for balancing and clearing the mind that can lead to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, calm, and happiness.
GIFT #5: My Mindful Morning Checklist
Make time for a mindful morning by trying some of these simple rituals, which can be performed in as little as five minutes. By easing into the morning with purpose, you are able to create a clear head and an open mind, ensuring a day full of positive energy and enthusiasm.
We created this Mindful Checklist for the morning to help you live more mindful during the day. Why morning? Positive attitudes create great days, and the best time to generate positivity is in the morning.
Did you know? (last few words)
For millennia, humans have used the movementof the moon to keep track of the passing year and set schedules for their journey for hunting, planting, and harvesting? Ancient cultures have given these full moons names based on the behavior of the plants, animals, or weather during that month.
We hope this Happyhaves diffuser will help you with your beautiful inner journey. The Happyhaves diffuser serves as a tool and as a companion to support you throughout your life when you can use that bit of extra peace and quiet in this busy world. It's our mission to let you feel more connected within.

Do you have tips or feedback
for how we can help you live
even more mindful?
Let us know and we'll work on it!
All the love,
Team Happyhaves